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  • Our Plans

    Child Education & Marriage Assurance is a plan for the protection of child’s future specially customized for parents who pre-plan for their child's better future
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    Eligible agesMinimum Age:18 yearsMaximum Age:65 yearsAge (Maximum) on Maturity:Age 75 years. It is the largest selling life insurance plan because of its most speedy returns on investment along with Huge Financial Protection
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    Eligible ages & TermsMinimum Age (Equivalent):20 yearsMaximum Age:50 yearsEquivalent Age (Maximum) on Maturity:70 years Jeevan Sathi Plan is best suited for those Married couples who want to enjoy insurance coverage
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    Eligible agesMinimum Age:20 yearsMaximum Age:65 yearsAge (Maximum) on Maturity:Age 85 years. Whole life assurance plan is combination of protection and savings with convenient payment options. The life insurance policy is
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    Eligible ages & TermsMinimum Age:20 yearsMaximum Age:60 yearsAge (Maximum) on Maturity:70 years Shad Abad Life Assurance Plan is ideal for those who appreciate the Basic Savings purpose with Additional Protection
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    This plan provides term insurance cover for a period ranging from 5 to 10 years. As the name suggests, this plan is meant to provide protection during the term of
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    Muhafiz Plus Assurance Plan is another policy to suit your circumstances and requirements. Muhafiz Plus policy offers a considerably good amount of money that includes the sum insured with bonuses
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    Pay for 7 years, Relaxation for 20 years Eligible ages & TermsMinimum Age:22 yearsMaximum Age:55 yearsCoverage Term:20 yearsPaying Term:7 years (only annual mode payment) This is a unique and latest
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    Diseases and Severe Illness are bitter reality in our life and anybody does not like to think about falling in these type of problems. For facing these kinds of difficult
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